Category: Uncategorized
Julia Fullerton-Batten
There’s a fine-art photographer, Julia Fullerton-Batten, who recreates historical scenes producing fine-art images of them. One of her ongoing series is titled, “Old Father Thames”. If you have an interest in the history of drowning in Britain, you might be interested to take a look. Among the relevant images are “The Princess Alice Disaster of…
The Original 63 Ideas
This collection will grow to 63 ideas to help you enrich your teaching with 11-14yr+ students. They will be added to every 2-3 days. Nine subjects are covered: Maths, English, Geography, History, Art, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, and Sports. Treat these as idea starters – you know your kids. Most ideas can be made more substantial…
Using Stretch & Challenge Resources
It’s easy to fall into a lecturing style of delivery. We love our subject, so we want others to love it too. There’s always scope for a brief explanation, but in lots of experiments it has been shown that the best way to learn something is to discover it for yourself. So instead of trying…
The Philosophy
There are two predominant groups of people who drown in the UK. One of these is 15-21+yr old mid- to late-adolescent young men. We know that appeals to their common sense won’t prevent them from doing dangerous things or engaging in activities that are beyond their capability. The only way to hope to prevent them…